Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Maternity Leave

Well, what did you think? Some interesting stuff, with the discovery of the other hatch which of course had the Dharma Project markings on the doors. Did you happen to notice that when Claire was the nursery, the mobile over the crib was planes. The song that it was playing was catch a falling star. This is interesting, because they are planes and not stars, although there is a star in the center.

Also in one of the flash backs with Ethan he tells Claire that “we are good people and a good family”. Very strange don’t you think? Is the teenage girl Danielle’s daughter Alexandria?????? She does look a lot like Danielle.

When Kate was going through the lockers she foundthe theatrical stuff. Also, she found “Zeke’s” fake beard, and the “Others” grubby clothing.

What was the name of the book that Locke gave Henry? I could not understand what they said it was. When I reviewed and paused the DVR on the cover of the book I could not make anything out. Locke told Jack that Hemingway felt he could not get out of the shadow of the books author. Figuratively speaking could this be Locke and Jack too. Notice how Locke reacted to Henry saying that. Almost like the jealousy that Hemingway felt toward the other Author.


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