Wednesday, February 22, 2006

One of Them - Air Date 2/15/2006

Some interesting details come out of this one. The army guy on the truck was actually Kate’s dad when viewed on the good ol DVR I paused on the picture that he was holding and it was a picture of a young Kate. Also on this one the very interesting numbers after they go past 000.00 they turned in to some type of hieroglyphics or symbols.

Trying to figure out the symbols. My take on the symbols are from left to right. The first one appears to be the letter “S” at least if you are looking at the Egyptian type. The second digit was blank. The third digit symbol I have not found yet. The fourth in the Egyptian hieroglyphics is the letter “A”. The fifth digit I have not found yet.

Egyptian hieroglyphics are normally read from right to left, but I have found some websites that state they can also be from right to left. If someone can clarify this that would be great.

Maybe these are not Egyptian hieroglyphics, could they be Sumerian? Lisa brings up some very interesting facts and thoughts. I hope she will be posting them soon.


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