Wednesday, February 22, 2006

An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge

I am not sure which episode I saw this on and it may have no real significance, but I found it interesting so I will share it. Somewhere along the line someone had a pulled a book off a shelf called An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge. I found a great web site on this:

The basic jist of the story is that a man is about to be hung and in the moment just before he dies he supposedly escapes and the story is about his efforts to get back home to his wife. However, just as he reaches home and is about to embrace his wife is when his neck snaps in the noose and he dies. The escape and journey home were all images in his head in the last seconds of his life. Interestingly enough, his wife's name is Libbie, which is also the name of one of the characters in Lost.

Like I said, it may have no significance, but I found it interesting enough to share.


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