Thursday, May 25, 2006

Who is Jack really?

I mentioned in a previous post that there was something special about Jack, perhaps that he was an Other. Well, did you happen to notice that the guy at the end of the show looks exactly like Jack? I have played it over and over and this character is definitely the same actor that plays Jack. Who is this guy? Is he Jacks twin or something? Maybe he's a clone. Maybe they're all clones. Who knows?!?!?!?!

The book The Bad Twin is about a detective who is hired by Cliff Widmore to find his twin brother Zander. Cliff and Zander's father's name is Charles. Charles Widmore was introduced into the show in the season finale as Penelope Widmores father. Could Jack and this other guy be the Widmore twins. Like I said, who knows?!?!?!?!

Kelvin Inman

We finally met Kelvin and we found out his last name is Inman. As it turns out Kelvin looks exactly like the CIA Operative that was dealing with Sayid in Iraq. The CIA operative's name is Joe Inman. Are they twin brothers or are they the same person?

Click here for more information about Kelvin Inman.
Click here fore more information about Joe Inman.

Sign on the Dock

The sign on the dock was Pala Ferry which was mentioned in the Pearl orientation video. For more info click here.

Hanso Foundation Careers

Great commerical, ironically the commercial was sponsored by, I'm sure no pun was intended:) Check out what the Hanso Foundation has for career offerings. Not sure if I'm going to apply though....

Check out available careers at

Desmond Returns

Wow! what a great season finale of lost. Desmond shows up on the boat. We learn from Desmonds re-appearance that he had a connection to Libby. Libby gave Desmond some money for a meal, she also gave him a boat which eventually landed him on "The Island".
Other information:
The boats name is Elizabeth.
Desmond was in the military and was dishonorably discharged.
His ex-girlfriends name is Penelope Widmore, who is still looking for him.
Penelope placed a love letter in the book by Charles Dickens "Our Mutual Friend" that Desmond saves from the boat.

The book: The book is about the son of a tycoon who must marry a specific woman to inherit his father's fortune. He shuns this, leaves, is presumed drowned, which is untrue. He returns under a new identity, gets hired at a company related to his father, marries the same woman on his own merit, not on his father's riches, and only afterwards, assumes his original identity and inherits his fortune. - According to

Desmond makes a connection between the date that the plane goes down and him not resetting the clock back to 108 on 9/24/04.

Desmond says to Locke the same words he spoke to Jack before he left the stadium where they were running. Desmond says "I'll see you in another life brother".

Desmond inserts the "fail Safe" into the switch, which appears to save the island, but we don't yet know what has happened to him.

Penelope received the phone call at the end of the show from the two guys in the north or south pole, after a warning comes up on a monitor that reads "Electromagnetic anomaly indicated" and was told "I think we found it". This is the last scene of the season finale.

Great lost season finale.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What do you see in this image?

There is a new update to The Hanso Foundation web site. Go to to see the image. Personally I think the clue here is to look at the white space, not the black space. If you do that it almosts looks like the head of a horse or the knight piece in a chess game.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


We've seen those letters and numbers together before. Can you think of where? Give up? Okay go to Harjit's post entitled Mac & Cheese to jog your memory:

Oh and after you click on the 108 on the site check out the line that states:

***Connected to OPENERS HEP

OPENERS HEP is Persephone rearranged. Perhaps this is a username to be used somewhere on the Hanso site.

What is this?

Is this another clue????

Click image to enlarge.

Once your on the site move your mouse diagnoly from east to the bottom corner of the screen. You should see this:

Click on the 108 and it brings you to this:

If you type y for yes then it leads you to believe that you have cracked the website ecurity. Notice the different names and directories.

Index of /usr

This system is for the use of authorized users only.
Individuals using this computer system without
authority, or in excess of their authority, are subject
to having all of their activities on this system
monitored and recorded by system personnel. In the
course of monitoring individuals improperly using this
system, or in the course of system maintenance, the
activities of authorized users may also be monitored.
Anyone using this system expressly consents to such
monitoring and is advised that if such monitoring
reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, system
personnel may provide the evidence of such monitoring
to law enforcement officials.

Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory -
acarpus/ 10-May-2006 10:24 -
ahanso/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
aoconnor/ 10-May-2006 11:03 -
compass/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
dcheever/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
ddouglas/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
draupp/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
fgardner/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
hfeargha/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
hmcintyr/ 10-May-2006 11:09 -
jgranger/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
jsimko/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
kporfiro/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
lorchard/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
lpeck/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
lwales/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
mwilliam/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
owelles/ 10-May-2006 11:03 -
pthompso/ 10-May-2006 11:08 -
sconroy/ 10-May-2006 11:08 -
tmittelw/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
wmalik/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -
zbach/ 10-May-2006 10:55 -

Don't be scared click on stuff and you'll find more stuff.

If you were to select n for now the website would take you the Hanso foundation.

Do the capital letters mean something?

Why are the words NOW, WHERE, and HOLE all capatilized in Michael's computer conversation with Walt? Is there a hidden message here?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Commercial

Lisa is sooooooo right about the commercials. Checkout

Lost - Three Minutes

Check out the Logo on the door in the camp that the "Others" brought Michael to. Notice that this is not on the map that appears on the blast doors in the the swan hatch.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Lost Food for Thought

On a personal note. Could we be some sort of experiment? Could Disney be monitoring web activity as some sort of "Case Study". Think about the money that has been put in to the show and multiple websites. Just another one of my thoughts.

Wow, once in the site you see the word " Code: " then " Heir Apparent " which after I did a google search this is what I came up with from

For the novel by Vivian Vande Velde, see Heir Apparent (book)
The term heir apparent is most often used to refer to someone who is first in the order of succession to a throne and who cannot lose this status by the birth of any other person. It is also used less formally to indicate someone who is an apparent successor to a non-royal position of power, e.g., a political or corporate leader.

It is typically uppercased when used as a title, though heirs apparent always have official titles that render such titulation unnecessary.

This article is concerned with the position of heir apparent to a royal or noble title.

This term is used in the TV show LOST. It can be found at

**NOTE: the line above this is from and not something I added in.

Another commercial

Well actually it was the same commercial and it appeared in the same spot as last week. Difference was this time there was a new web site advertised at the end of the commercial. I haven't quite figured out why LYMON is all caps. I did finally get the page to load though. Once I figured out how to navigate the site (it wasn't that hard) I found some useful information for the site. Problem is I can't really do much with it right now because these sites are so busy it's hard to get to the pages.

Station 5 The Pearl

Very interesting show. Here is my take on the tape. It is labeled The Dharma initiative 5 of 6 Orientation. Dr. Mark Wikman or Whitman is the narrator, he refers to the station as the Pearl monitoring station.

He also says "After your eight hour shift proceed to the Pella Ferry". Notice the date at the end of the video was 1980. The room had 9 monitors and only the one in the swan hatch was working. Where does the vacuum tube go to?

Another Hanso Foundation commercial the website was

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Pay attention to the commercials

During the commercial break just before the last segment of "Two for the Road" there was a commercial for the Hanso Organization. I watched carefully again on DVR. It says paid for by abc industries on the bottom of the commercial and shows the image of Alvar Hanso from the video reel they found in the hatch. It gives a number to call (1-877-HANSORG), but it has been busy everytime I tried to get through. In researching this on the web I found that the Hanso Foundation web site ( is finally back up and is a completely new web site. I haven't checked out the web site completely yet, but I am guessing that there is a lot of cool stuff hidden in it. And oh yeah, it also includes the commercial that was on for those of you that want to see it. Full Episode Streaming Full Episode Streaming
If you are like me and need to watch the episode again, they are streaming the videos on ABC's website.