Thursday, March 30, 2006

Map Overlay - Some Translations.

Here are some of the latin translations to the map overlay:
Sursum corda - Lift up your hearts (to God)

Malum consilium quod mutari non potest - It's a bad plan that can't be changed. (Publilius Syrus)

Ut sit magna, tamen certe lenta ira deorum est - The wrath of the gods may be great, but it certainly is slow

Aegrescit medendo - The disease worsens with the treatment. The remedy is worse than the disease

Cogito ergo doleo - I think therefore I am depressed

Credo nos in fluctu eodem esse - I think we're on the same wavelength

hic sunt dracones = "Here be Dragons"

Safety Deposit Key

Mac & Cheese

Macoroni and Cheese Supper box has the same logo and numbers as the Ranch Dressing and Cereal Box.

The Ring

Isn't the ring shaped like the Dharma logo?
I also think this could be of some interest as they said John and Henry's name together a lot during the show last night (like it had some meaning).

Researchers believe that John Henry was born a slave in the Researchers believe that John Henry was born a slave in the1840's or 1850's. It is important to remember that no one knows for sure if John Henry existed. That is one of the thingsthat makes the legend so intriguing.
- According to the legend he grew to stand 6 feet tall, 200 pounds - a giant in that day.
From NPR's Present at the Creation - John Henry:
Though the story of John Henry sounds like the quintessential tall tale, it is certainly based, at least in part, on historical circumstance. There are disputes as to where the legend originates. Some place John Henry in West Virginia, while recent research suggests Alabama. Still, all share a similar back-story.
In order to construct the railroads, companies hired thousands of men to smooth out terrain and cut through obstacles that stood in the way of the proposed tracks. One such chore that figures heavily into some of the earliest John Henry ballads is the blasting of the Big Bend Tunnel -- more than a mile straight through a mountain in West Virginia.
Steel-drivin' men like John Henry used large hammers and stakes to pound holes into the rock, which were then filled with explosives that would blast a cavity deeper and deeper into the mountain. In the folk ballads, the central event took place under such conditions. Eager to reduce costs and speed up progress, some tunnel engineers were using steam drills to power their way into the rock. According to some accounts, on hearing of the machine, John Henry challenged the steam drill to a contest. He won, but died of exhaustion, his life cut short by his own superhuman effort.

I am also wondering if Henry stopped the countdown by scanning his eye and that's what Locke saw on the wall. Digitial eye scanning is high tech and maybe they implanted the "key" to Lost on his eye. I think that he is trying to get Locke to go to the "other side" and that's why he is helping him. Does anyone else think that Locke's father and Locke's girlfriend planned his death and that they actually were a couple and that some time down the road Locke finds out and maybe that's involved with how he lost the use of his legs???? I am also interested in the sign on Locke's truck that said welcome home when he was at the Flightline motel - couldn't read what else it said - anyone know???

I had so much to say and no way to say - glad to be back on the board!

Anthony Cooper

Anthony Ashley Cooper, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury (July 22, 1621 - January 21, 1683) was a prominent English politician of the Interregnum and during the reign of King Charles II.
Cooper, born in the county of Dorset, suffered the death of both his parents at a young age and was raised by relatives and family friends, while being subjected to financial mulcting through the Court of Wards. He inherited baronetcies from both his father and his maternal grandfather, Anthony Ashley. Educated largely by Puritan tutors, he attended Exeter College, Oxford. While there he fomented a minor riot and left without taking a degree; nevertheless, he was admitted into Lincoln's Inn.
Sir Anthony was elected to the Short Parliament for the borough of Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, where his family owned land. He was elected to the Long Parliament for Poole in his native Dorset. But Denzil Holles, soon to rise to prominence as a leader of the opposition to the king and a personal rival of Sir Anthony's, blocked his admission to the parliament. It was probably feared that Sir Anthony, as a result of his recent marriage to the daughter of Charles I's Lord Keeper, Coventry, would be too sympathetic to the king.
When the Civil War began, Sir Anthony supported the king (somewhat echoing Holles's concerns), but changed sides soon afterward, citing the king's policies as being "destructive to religion and State." He eventually joined Cromwell's Council of State, but resigned in 1655, protesting against Cromwell's dictatorial politics. Four years later, George Monck, a prominent royalist military officer, recruited Cooper in the Restoration of Charles II.
In October 1660, shortly after the Restoration's success, Sir Anthony was on the commission that controversially tried the Regicides (those who had participated in the trial and execution of Charles I). The commission eventually found ten surviving members guilty, and another four were posthumously convicted (their bodies were exhumed and hung publicly). One year later, he was created Baron Ashley and appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer.
In that position, Lord Ashley served on the Clarendon Ministry as one of its less prominent members; he frequently quarrelled with the head of government, Lord Clarendon, especially upon matters of religious toleration (which Ashley supported but Clarendon opposed). In 1663, Ashley was one of eight Lords Proprietors given title to a huge tract of land in North America, which eventually became the Province of Carolina.
In 1666, he met John Locke. Cooper had come to Oxford seeking treatment for a liver infection. Cooper was impressed with Locke and persuaded him to become part of his retinue. Locke had been looking for a career and in 1667 moved into Shaftesbury's home at Exeter House in London, ostensibly as the household physician. Shaftesbury's liver infection became life-threatening. Locke coordinated the advice of several physicians and was probably instrumental in persuading Shaftesbury to undergo an operation (then life-threatening itself) to remove the cyst. Shaftesbury survived and prospered, crediting Locke with saving his life.
After the fall of Lord Clarendon in 1667, Lord Ashley became a prominent member of the Cabal, in which he formed the second "A". Ashley became Lord Chancellor in 1672, and was created Earl of Shaftesbury and Baron Cooper of Pawlett. He was also appointed First Lord of Trade. He would serve as Chancellor for one year, but would remain First Lord of Trade until 1676.
Due to his intriguing with the Duke of Monmouth against the succession of the Catholic Duke of York, Shaftesbury fell from favour, and became a leader of the radical Whigs. In 1681, Shaftesbury was charged with high treason, but the charges were later dismissed. Nonetheless, he fled to the Netherlands, where he died two years later.

trial post

Trying to see if I can get back on the site! Kim

Oceanic Fly By

An Oceanic plane flew over. Saw that?

The Cards

I believe the card game they were playing has some clues that we have yet to decifer. In the top picture, do the numbers mean anything? In the bottom one, do three King cards refer to the three male leaders, Jack, Locke, and Sawyer? I could be way off but it might get people talking.

Overlay of the Map

Gail's Drivers License

Did anyone notice the fact that the signature date was his birthdate? Also, notice the expiration date is "03". Does anyone know what date flight 815 left? Hmmmmm.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Henry Gale's ID

Black Light Wall

Looks like these are all the hatches. The bottom one is the Swan hatch in which they're in. The circle with the arrow pointing to the bottom hatch says "I AM HERE" , like a map in a shopping mall indicating where you are.
It also looks like all the hatches are connected via tunnels and the center is a mystery spot (cement walls).

Sunday, March 26, 2006

No Trumpets

That's a weird sign. Probably indicates, no tooting or no trumpets.

The Map

The map drawn by Henry Gail on a page ripped from the book
The Brothers Karmazov. Looks like it's the title page.

Same Room??

Same room redecorated?

The Balloon - Offscreen

Picture of the balloon on location between shoots.

Lost Countdown on Your Computer

Wanna know what the Lost countdown feels like?
Try this site!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Ranch Dressing

Check out Dharma missplelled as "Dharama."

The numbers "DI 9FFTR73" could mean something too. DI could stand for Dharma Initiative. And this code is on the cereal box as well.

Lost 2x17 Promo

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Widmore Labs

Seriously, who has a pregnancy test on a plane? Anyway, the brand name of Sun's pregnancy test is Widmore Labs. The letters in Widmore Labs can be rearranged to spell "A WOMB DR LIES".

Friday, March 03, 2006

The book Sawyer was reading on the beach.

Kim, this may not be your favorite picture of Sawyer, he looks kinda geeky. But, the book he is reading may hold another clue to lost. Here is a description of the book:

Lancelot Lamar is a disenchanted lawyer who finds himself confined in a mental asylum with memories that don't seem worth remembering. It all began the day he accidentally discovered he was not the father of his youngest daughter, a discovery which sent Lancelot on modern quest to reverse the degeneration of America. Percy's novel reveals a shining knight for the modern age--a knight not of romance, but of revenge.
I know that even the smallest of something in this show is a clue to something bigger.

Eko in the Hatch

The painting or grafitti on the wall in the hatch. This was seen as Eko was walking in the hatch on his way to talk to Henry Gale.

The "Animals" in the Baby Room

Here are the animals in the baby room. When Claire went back into the room, they panned on the outline of the animals that were on the wall. Paint normally fades when there's direct sunlight on it and this goes to show that the animal posters have been on the wall for a long time and when they were removed, the paint is darker underneath than the rest of the wall. There's no direct sunlight in the hatch, is there?

The Glue Bottle

The bottle of glue which Kate found in the theatrical cosmetic box.
Again, it has the Dharma logo, and the same "RX-1 gnd" just like on the medicine bottles! Hmmmm............

The Planes

The planes in the mobile are labeled as "Oceanic Airlines."
Did Dharma plan the plane crash somehow?

Remember this? The little toy plane that Kate had to get from the safety deposit box? What's the significance of this plane or planes if you include the ones from the crib? Notice the broken propellers on Kate's toy plane?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Medicine Bottles

Notice that all the medicine bottles have the Dharma logo except for the one on the right!

The Book

Med Station Corridor

Notice the escape hatch ^


The name of the book that Locke gives to Henry Gale is The Brothers Karmazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Henry Gale stated later in the show that he prefers Hemingway and can't get 5 pages into the Dostoyevsky book. Here is a summary of the book that I found online:

Dostoyevsky’s 1880 novel, The Brothers Karamazov, is a tale of bitter family rivalries. It is the last of Dostoyevsky’s famous and well-regarded novels and begins on a bright day in August at a meeting that has been organised to settle the differences of the Karamazov family. Fyodor is an extravagant buffoon and travels with his second son Ivan. Old Fyodor Karamozov’s youngest son Alyosha is with the wise Father Zossima, an elder, who he greatly respects and lives with. Dmitri, the oldest son, appears and is soon in a rage with his father over the question of whether he owes Fyodor debts or Fyodor owes him an inheritance. We learn of Katerina Ivanova who has proposed marriage to Dmitri and the shameful way in which both he and his father are in competition for the love of Grushenka, the latter having taken out 3,000 rubles to bribe her away from his son. Dmitri threatens to kill his father but not Grushenka. Throughout Alyosha is the confidante of his brothers, and Ivan tells of his love for Katerina and the poem that he has written showing his pessimism, The Grand Inquisitor, before leaving for Moscow on the advice of Smerdyakov. Father Zossima dies and certain controversy arises at the monastery about his possible sainthood. The tale of the brothers goes on with ever more confused loves and the murder of Fyodor which it transpires that one of the brothers accidentally encouraged. The fate of brother Dmitri in a lengthy trial is finally the issue at stake and a lengthy exile in Siberia awaits him.

Book Title

I looked at the title of the book very carefully too and I think it says either Farwell to Arms or Brothers in Arms. Farwell to Arms is by Hemingway and Brothers in Arms is soon to be a motion picture and relates to the personal story of Thomas D. Curry and Company F, 331st Infantry, 83rd Division from Normandy to Central Germany. I also believe the girl that helped Claire escape is Danielle's daughter Alex. The man in the lab hallway talking to Ethan is the "leader" of the others without his beard on. Why do they have all of these costumes? Could it be this was an expirement set up by the government and that they chose people who were all related in some way so people on the outside couldn't track where they have gone? I am also know thinking that Sawyer and Jack may be related (brothers (in arms) as they both think guns/setting up an army are the way to protect themselves??? On the previews it shows that Sun is asking for a pregnancy test. Does anyone think that after Charlie took her in to the jungle and left her that one of the "Others" got her pregnant because it didn't work out with Claire? So many things to think about.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Nice Medicine Bottle

Check out the numbers on the bottle of medicine that Ethan was injecting in to Claire. Other than that the Dharma symbol and not much else.

Henry Gale from Minnesota

After tonight's episode I felt the need to do a little research on Henry Gale. What I was really looking for was whether or not this was an anagram just like Ethan Rom was (Other Man). What I found surprised me.
  • Henry Gale is from Minnesota. Take "Henry Gale Minnesota" and rearrange the letters to get "see an other man lying".
  • Henry Gale is also the name of Dorothy's Uncle in the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy was supposed to go home on a hot air balloon, but the wizard escaped in it instead.
  • The balloon that he was describing was apparently Steve Fossett's balloon called the Spirit of Freedom, which was used to make a trip around the world that began and ended in Australia.
  • The sponsor for the Spirit of Freedom was Bud Light. The mascot for Budweiser is a frog. Sawyer hunted and killed the frog in same episode as Henry Gale's appearance.

Maternity Leave

Well, what did you think? Some interesting stuff, with the discovery of the other hatch which of course had the Dharma Project markings on the doors. Did you happen to notice that when Claire was the nursery, the mobile over the crib was planes. The song that it was playing was catch a falling star. This is interesting, because they are planes and not stars, although there is a star in the center.

Also in one of the flash backs with Ethan he tells Claire that “we are good people and a good family”. Very strange don’t you think? Is the teenage girl Danielle’s daughter Alexandria?????? She does look a lot like Danielle.

When Kate was going through the lockers she foundthe theatrical stuff. Also, she found “Zeke’s” fake beard, and the “Others” grubby clothing.

What was the name of the book that Locke gave Henry? I could not understand what they said it was. When I reviewed and paused the DVR on the cover of the book I could not make anything out. Locke told Jack that Hemingway felt he could not get out of the shadow of the books author. Figuratively speaking could this be Locke and Jack too. Notice how Locke reacted to Henry saying that. Almost like the jealousy that Hemingway felt toward the other Author.