Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Beginning of the End

Sorry writer's but because your on strike Lost came back a week earlier. This could be bad or good, I'm not sure as the world tunes in to this new episode. With nothing good on television this might boost the ratings, I hope so.

The first episode of Season four will be interesting to say the least.

Future Flash.....
Hurley busted by the cops saying that he was one of the Oceanic 6. He mentions that he wants to go to the nut house to the guy that is questioning him. The guy questioning him mentions that he new Anna Lucia. Then while in the nut house Hurley talks to Charlie and Charlie keeps telling him that you know they need you. When Jack visits Hurley in the nut house, why does he tell Jack he regrets going with Locke?

What's with the flashes to the future? Let me know what you think???

Wow, a lot to think about. The future flashes are making it difficult to figure out.

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