Friday, March 21, 2008

Jin's Gravestone

Note the date of Jin's death listed on his gravestone as September 22, 2004. This is the date the plane crashed. Since Jin did not die until later it is interesting that the date of the plane crash is used.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Black Rock

In the scene with the auction they are auctioning off a work of art depicting the Black Rock. The Black Rock is the name of the ship that Danielle was on that crashed and ended up on the island. It is where they got the dynamite used to blow up the hatch. According to the auctioneer the story of the Black Rock is as follows:

"The Black Rock set sail from Portsmouth, England March 22, 1845 on a trading mission to the kingdom of Siam when she was tragically lost at sea. The only known artifact of this journey is the journal of the ship's first mate, which was discovered among the artifacts of pirates on L'ile St. Marie, Madagascar seven years later. The contents of this journal have never made public nor are known to anyone outside the family of the seller, Tovard Hanso."

The most interesting fact in there is the year. Did the Black Rock really crash in 1845? If so, then how are Danielle and Alex still alive and why didn't they age at all? And, let's not ignore the fact that the seller is from the Hanso family.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Confirmed Dead

I found this episode not very interesting. Although we did discover some things about the people that landed on the island. Okay, there is the guy that talks to ghosts. How interesting is that? Since Jacob is a ghost in the old cabin on the hill. Plus he also wanted to be brought to the body of his dead colleague to find out what really happened to her. It is also interesting that this guy had spoken to Walt at his grandmothers house. I'm not sure how all this ties in yet.

Other than that I kind of thought this episode was a little slow. I'm looking for some reader comments. Please feel free to post them.

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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Apocalypse Now

While walking through the jungle Sawyer calls Locke "Colonel Kurtz". This is a reference to a character in the movie Apocalypse Now. Read the plot summary for this movie at and compare the similarities.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Beginning of the End

Sorry writer's but because your on strike Lost came back a week earlier. This could be bad or good, I'm not sure as the world tunes in to this new episode. With nothing good on television this might boost the ratings, I hope so.

The first episode of Season four will be interesting to say the least.

Future Flash.....
Hurley busted by the cops saying that he was one of the Oceanic 6. He mentions that he wants to go to the nut house to the guy that is questioning him. The guy questioning him mentions that he new Anna Lucia. Then while in the nut house Hurley talks to Charlie and Charlie keeps telling him that you know they need you. When Jack visits Hurley in the nut house, why does he tell Jack he regrets going with Locke?

What's with the flashes to the future? Let me know what you think???

Wow, a lot to think about. The future flashes are making it difficult to figure out.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

ABC Lost Video Clip

As of this post if you go to and watch the video you will see some clips as though the film had be recorded over. Here is what they are of.

Notice that Jacob once again is mentioned.... hmmm. Please let me know what your ideas are on the screen shots.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Man Behind the Curtain

WOW! This is more like the old LOST. Ben's secret is out....... He's a liar. You have to love the way that Locke told him he was lying. Also, Ben's daughter giving the gun to Locke, what was that all about. Well, she obviously knew something was going to happen and that Locke would need the gun. Maybe she wanted Locke to kill Ben.... Interesting thought.

Also, for those that may not know, the strange dust that Locke and Ben had to step over in the jungle is actually powder used to keep spirits away. Or in this case used to imprison one. That's right! Ben is keeping this spirit. Everyone knows Locke is not going to die, he heals very quickly... remember:)

I have said it before and I have to say it again. The Island is purgatory! Ben said that the man's name is Jacob. Jacob in Hebrew means "Held by the heel", hmmmmmm do you think the strange dust might have something to do with that???? Also, lets not forget the movie Jacobs ladder.

Just some thoughts folks.

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